Ball Valve
1 pc | 2 pc | 3 pc
2 way | 3 way | 4 way
Butterfly Valve
Lever Operated | Gear Operated
Sluice Valve
Rising | Non-Rising
Globe Valve
Straight | Angle
Foot Valve
With Leather Strain
With Gun Metal Seat (Metallic)
"Y" | "T" | Pot | Basket
Check Valve ( Non Return Valve )
Lift up | Swing Type | Wafer Type | Disc or ball type | Dual Plate (horizontal & vertical mounting) | Straight or Angle
Safety Valve
Straight or angle type | pop up type | single post/ double post
Steam Trap
thermodynamic | bucket (horizontal/vertical) | ball float (horizontal)
Sight Glass ( Flow Indicator )
Window or Tubular | single or double
Gland/Plug cock
2 way/ 3 way
lubricating/non - lubricating
Fusible Plug
1 piece | 2 piece
Accessible Feed Check Valve
Flush Bottom Valves
regular | Ball valve type
Air Valve
single | double
Brass Cocks
of various types